Sunday, 29 March 2015

BST at last!

Light evenings at last, I do like the winter though, I have had a great year so far, many explorations, wrapped up in my big coat out with my camera, I love the trees when they are bare, they take on such character, that's probably the one thing I don't like about summer, the trees in full leaf, and the ground covered in bracken and brambles, makes for poor photos and hard work scrambling around disused railway cuttings, and the flat overhead sunlight means you have to get up very early for interesting photos, but then that's the great thing about having real seasons they are all great and offer very different challenges both for exploring and photography.
Most of my explores this year have been by train and foot, the last time I put petrol in my car was the first week in December, how good is that!
I have had several trips to Birkenhead and The Wirral, I love it over there, such a contrast wherever you look, very rough and ready in places and quite Port Out Starboard Home in others!

New Brighton

After a break of a year and a half I have been out chasing the steam trains, quite regularly.  The Yorkshire Dales has always been one of my favourite areas, and with steam trains running, what better way to spend a day.


Sadly its not all been fun and games, I learnt this week that the disused railway embankment behind where I live in Latchford, Warrington is due to be flattened and a strip of 240 homes built on it. It really is a crying shame that this will be allowed to happen, it is purely done for profit by the owner of the land with a total disregard for the locals. I know it is personal to me because I will be directly effected, instead of having a mini wildlife park to look out on, I will be looking into someone else's Kitchen! But there will be many people like me, who will not be happy, the land owner has created a wildlife haven by his neglect and now wants to destroy it. It would make such a good green path, all the bridges are intact and it runs right through the centre of the village, but profit comes before everything now, and before long every town will be full solid with houses so they will then start building in the sky. We are constantly told there is a shortage of houses, there certainly isn't a shortage of second hand houses, and I don't care what anyone says, theses schemes are done for one reason only, and that is to make developers even richer.

240 homes

Ok that's my rant done with, life is too short to let things like this get to you, I am very lucky because my experiences of the last year have shown me that excessive wealth is worthless., and only a fool seeks it.